Rhode Island Area Code, United States

Find the real owner of someone with a 401 Rhode Island area code

Rhode Island

Rhode Island joined the Union in 1790 and it is the smallest state in the United States. The one million residents of the New England state have at least one registered phone number. Interested persons can use a reverse phone lookup to find information on these phone number owners on the Rhode Island phone numbers database

Before the online database, telephone companies used to print white pages, which are physical phonebooks. The information in these phonebooks is organized geographically by town or neighborhood in a large city.   

Despite the small size of Rhode Island, printing telephone directories was not a sustainable idea. After all, phone number owners are always changing.

Moving the telephone directories online to the Rhode Island phone number database ensured that users had access to recent information on registered phone number owners in Rhode Island. A free reverse phone lookup on the database will provide you with the names and addresses of the registered owners of a phone number. But how does this work? 

Take the typical Rhode Island phone number, 401-NXX-XXXX, for example. 

401 is the area code; NXX is the prefix code and XXXX is the line number. The area code only tells you the phone number owner’s general location, i.e., city or county. The prefix code narrows it down further and shows more specific information about the caller’s location and phone type. Finally, the last set of digits, the line number, is unique to a specific owner. So, if a Rhode Island phone number were a house address, the line number would be a specific flat number or house number. 

Although Rhode Island phone numbers can have the same area code and prefix code, the line number is always unique to a specific person or business. No two persons can have the same line number. However, it is possible that several persons have owned the same phone number in the past — this happens when a service provider reassigns the number. Either way, a reverse phone lookup will provide the names and contact information of past and current registered owners of a number. 

CountyFIPS codeCounty seatEstablishedPopulationArea
Bristol County001Bristol174750,79324 sq mi
Kent County003East Greenwich1750170,363168 sq mi
Newport County005Newport170385,643102 sq mi
Providence County007Providence1703660,741409 sq mi
Washington County009South Kingstown1729129,839329 sq mi